
“Freedom to live means freedom to give.” – MCM

  1. “Cancun Friends” 1994
  2. “Were You Really Here?” 1997
  3. “Modern Lives” 2003
  4. “Two Paths, One Life” 2003
  5. “They Act For Us” 2003
  6. “We Love Music” 2004
  7. “Choose Love” 2006
  8. “Russian Eyes” 2007
  9. “The Lake of Life” 2011
  10. “Graceful Hands of the MRI” 2012
  11. “Off the Bridge Again” 2013
  12. “Invisible No More” 2015
  13. “After All Is Said & Done” 2015
  14. “Just One Person” 2015
  15. “Life’s Memories” 2015
  16. “Why We Love Poets” 2015
  17. “Living With Passion” 2015
  18. “On Being Lost” 2015
  19. “No Exceptions” 2015
  20. “The Human Heart” 2015
  21. “Equality!” 2015
  22. “Of Getting & Giving” 2016
  23. “The Teacher’s Touch” 2016
  24. “Humility” 2016
  25. “Vocations Aplenty” 2016
  26. “The Human Mouth” 2016
  27. “The News of Death” 2016
  28. “Find Your Purpose” 2016
  29. “Face The Future With Grace” 2016
  30. “His New Call” 2016
  31. “Our Fate” 2016
  32. “The Measure of A Good Life” 2016
  33. “Then & Now” 2016
  34. “Small Talk” 2016
  35. “A Mighty Oak” 2016
  36. “On One Leg” 2016
  37. “The Past” 2016
  38. “The Past – Biographical” 2016
  39. “A Life of Duty” 2016
  40. “Can’t Wait!” 2016
  41. “The Recital” 2016
  42. “Life’s Measure” 2016
  43. “With Them Plan” 2016
  44. “They Keep Us Safe” 2016
  45. “Flying Home” 2016
  46. “Themes of Our Lives” 2016
  47. “Hold Your Breath” 2016
  48. “Humble Leadership” 2016
  49. “Our Lost Life” 2016
  50. “The Wait List” 2016
  51. “Times of Our Lives” 2016
  52. “Why We Love Golf” 2016
  53. “Worth Defending” 2016
  54. “A Poem’s Purpose” 2016
  55. “True Great Men” 2016
  56. “The Only Thing That Lasts” 2016
  • “Cancun Friends”
Birds land, we meet.
The sun shines, 
The earth stops spinning.
We become friends.
All the rest seems unimportant,
As it should be.
We laugh, we play.
We talk of friends back home.
The special ones,
The ones we carry in our hearts.
Then the songs end,
The sun goes down,
The moon makes its mistake,
The earth begins to spin again.
Birds fly away.
We are better.
Because we are friends.
As it should be.

Copyright © 1994

  • “Were You Really Here?”
Life, they say, 
Not a dress rehearsal. 
We have but one life,
There is no reversal.
Life, they say, 
Best when shared.
And only real,
When for someone you cared.
Life, they say,
Moves very fast. 
So live each minute,
As if it's your last.
Life, they say, 
Only for the living. 
It truly counts 
On days spent giving.
Life, they say,
May be missed, 
If on this day
You haven't kissed.
Life, they say, 
Both good and bad.
If lived alone,
It may be sad.
Life, they say, 
Can be enhanced. 
I pray this for you -
That you join in the dance.

Copyright (c) 1997

  • “Modern Lives”
From early times,
To Middle Ages,
The lives of men were brief.
The basic needs,
The threats on life,
Were met with spare relief.
Along came modern medicine,
Technologies once untold.
The tools of man, sheer wizardry,
Truly something to behold.
Along came modern medicine,
Technologies once untold.
The tools of man, sheer wizardry,
Truly something to behold.
So today we live a century,
The span of three past lives.
The basics and the threats are tamed,
But new demons now arise.
It used to be necessity
And station chose our fate.
Today we are uniquely free,
Our futures contemplate.
With thrice the time
And unbound choice,
Do men to gods rejoice?
No not at all, for now they see,
There’s burden in the choice.

Copyright (c) 2003

  • “Two Paths, One Life”
A man of action
A man of thought,
Between the two
I find I’m caught.
Which is lasting,
Which is real?
Which is noble,
And wins my zeal?
The man of action
Makes things go,
Makes things happen
Makes things flow.
The man of thought
Gives us pause,
Gives us meaning
Gives us cause.
So hail to him
Who serves both ways,
Who looks inside,
And makes the waves!

Copyright (c) 2003

  • “They Act For Us”
Self-selected thespians
Put their lives on hold.
Then assume a role
To touch the human fold.
The stage is their home
A place fully free,
Where they can be anyone
For you and for me.
Why do they do it?
Why do they care?
They simply can’t help it,
They’re driven to share.
True, it’s illusion, 
Wholly make-believe.
But thank God that they do it,
So we may receive.
What do we get,
Just what is reflected?
They remind us that all men
Are truly connected.

Copyright (c) 2003

  • “We Love Music”
We love music. 
Why is this so?
It’s the universal language, 
One we all know.
Marking every emotion, 
Every event,
Every dark hour, 
Every act heaven sent.
We love music, 
It makes our hearts grow,
It touches us deeply, 
Makes memories flow.
It enters a room, 
And fills it with life.
From a troubled day
It removes all the strife.
We love music, 
It makes us feel free.
It connects us with all men, 
Throughout history.
Five-year-old Mozart, 
Five hundred years ago,
Still makes us wonder, 
Still makes our hearts know.
We love music, 
No words need apply.
It moves us to us love, 
It moves us to cry.
Timeless, border-less, 
This and much more,
To those who write it
We all shout “Encore!”

Copyright (c) 2004

  • “Choose Love”
We are here for no known reason,
Our fates are out of our hands.
Life's events speed quickly beyond us,
So fast we cannot understand.
In the midst of all of the chaos,
In the midst of all the despair,
We repeat our history's mistake,
We fear that no one will care.
We are here for no known reason,
Our fates are sand in the waves.
We repeat life's constant misstep,
By seeking to fend off the grave.
In the midst of all of the turmoil,
In the mist of all the despair,
Man's constant is seeking control,
Thus man's fate is life in the snare.
We are here for no known purpose,
Our lives spent searching the why?
If only we'd change and turn it around,
And love without fearing to die.

Copyright © 2006

  • “Russian Eyes”
In Saint Petersburg,
I saw in their eyes.
No youthful spark,
No enterprise.
In Saint Petersburg,
I saw in their stares.
Empty hopes, loss of trust,
Resignation to life's cares.
In Saint Petersburg,
I saw in their stride.
The gait of second place, 
The early death of pride.
The eyes of Russian men,
Told the choices that they face.
'Success' requires compromise,
Of integrity and grace.
In the eyes of Russian women,
I saw the loss of heart.
They knew their men could only win,
If they tore ideals apart.

Copyright (c) 2007

  • “The Lake of Life”
You dive into the lake
Not to simply swim ashore. 
Diving deep may make of each of us 
A new man - evermore. 
Those who never enter,
Those who never try, 
And those who dive to only swim,
Will never live like I.
So come with me
And take the leap -
Or what's the living for?
No good man wants 
To live his days
Safely on the shore.

Copyright © 2011

  • “Graceful Hands of the MRI”
We come to you defenseless, 
No matter our station in life.
We come facing you naked, 
Due to illness, injury, or strife.
All we see is your softness,
While the machine begins its soft roar.
You recline and place us securely, 
Explaining what each thing is for.
We do as you ask without question,
We lie still and perhaps say a prayer.
Even if we have no Immortal,
Perhaps we search for Him here.
The moment your graceful hands leave us,
The machine gets on with its thresh.
We then lie alone in the darkness, 
Awaiting your voice's refresh.
Arising, our eyes search for answers,
But yours aren't allowed to reply.
As we leave you whisper a prayer,
Thanking God, or asking Him why?

Copyright (c) 2012

  • “Off the Bridge Again”
I've jumped off the bridge again,
Into the cold water below.
Not knowing if a ship will come,
And take me home in tow.
I've jumped off the bridge again,
Without a plan or friend.
Not knowing where the current leads,
To prosperity - or end.

Copyright (c) 2013

  • “Invisible No More”
They are all around us,
Just think and look and see. 
Invisible people everywhere,
Who do not need to be.
The hotel maid,
The driver of the bus,
The waitress taking orders,
Kindly serving us.
The keeper in the shop,
The teller at the bank,
Flight attendants, secretaries, 
Remember to always thank.
Your elderly neighbor,
Does she have Christmas plans?
The Sunday school teacher,
In need of extra hands?
Bethink your long lost cousin,
The priest who changed your heart,
Thank the teacher that you loved, 
The volunteer who did his part.
Everyone has feelings,
We all possess a Soul, 
Forget yourself as habit,
Help another play their role.
As you teach your children lessons,
And guide them on their way.
Include in all their learning,
How to make a person's day.
They are all around us,
Just think and be aware. 
Invisible people every place,
Make sure they know you care.

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “After All Is Said & Done”
After you have stood as one,
Have you said more than you've done?
After all the time you spent,
Paying life its fulsome rent.
Did you achieve your stated aims,
Did you fully meet your claims?
Was greatness in your chest,
Virtue certain as your best?
After looking for a mate,
Happy marriage was your fate?
After hoping for a child,
Are they good, or are they wild?
Given all that you have studied,
After martial skills all readied,
Did you write a timeless tome,
Did you make your nation Rome?
All your parents gave to you,
And friendships that were true,
Did you speak authentic truth,
Ever since you were a youth?
Are you proud of your life's whole,
Did you guard your very soul?
After all is said and done,
Has your life been lost - or won?

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “Just One Person”
Playing solitaire
You learn to see,
That just one move
Can change reality.
That just one book
You choose to read,
Can change your mind
And plant a seed.
That just one friend
You choose to know,
Can help you learn,
And help you grow.
That just one lesson,
Hard or sweet,
Arrives with purpose,
To guide your feet.
That just one poem
Seemed silly then,
Returns in time,
Your heart to mend.
That just one tear
Shed in dismay,
Makes all the better
This happy day.
That just one person
Who comes along,
Can make your heart
Finally sing its song.
In spiritual quests
You finally see,
That just one prayer
Can change eternity.

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “Life’s Memories”
They're our top secrets,
We love to share,
Things that have happened, 
To those we care.
The time when we traveled,
My birthday surprise,
Dad falls off the roof,
Those funny wide ties.
Your daughter's recital,
Your sons little league,
The first home we bought,
Our Italian intrigue. 
Her first trip to Europe,
His first straight-A year,
The ship that exploded, 
We just missed that deer!
Your first real job offer,
The death of a mate,
Falling in love,
On the very first date! 
The black box in the attic,
We slept on the lawn,
Poured soup on his head,
Stayed up until dawn.
Grandfather's advice,
And his pocket knife, too.
Attending a funeral,
For the death of a Jew. 
The first vote that you cast,
The first fish that you caught,
Watching her childbirth,
The change that we fought. 
The best Christmas ever,
The tornado touched down!
Going to college,
Just fooling around.
The birth of your first child,
Snow five feet or more!
Writing in yearbooks
The game's final score.
The day at the races,
The night on the beach,
Our first meal together,
New children to teach.
My first downhill ski trip,
The boat that we sank,
After mom's near death,
We thanked and we thanked.
School cookies we sold,
Shoveled snow for the nuns,
We built our first snowman,
All the races we've run.
Painted the bathroom,
Looked worst than before!
Tahiti vacation,
Made love on the shore.
Received her sweet letter,
After missing her so,
The new priest at our church,
His faith clearly showed.
The first poem I wrote,
Let me read it again,
The wine that we drank,
When we were just ten.
You like bananas, 
While I like goods baked,
The car crash we witnessed, 
We jumped in the lake!
The day that I met you,
Every detail is clear,
Your soft hands and smile,
I still hold so dear.
So much to tell you,
The laughs and the loves,
The tears and the sorrows,
The prayers to above.
My happiest moment,
The year that was sad,
Why did she go?
Her return made me glad.
More memories are ready,
When fiends come around, 
We delight in the telling,
Our life of renown.
They're our top secrets, 
That we love to share,
They endear us to others,
We save them with care.
When friends finally leave us,
At the end of their days,
We keep them alive, 
Retelling their ways. 
So gather your friends, 
Share a secret or two,
Whisper them softly, 
Then they'll share theirs with you.

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “Why We Love Poets”
The lexicon's filled 
Words up to the gill,
In alpha order aligned.
All words are arranged -
B's following A's,
No reason, no purpose, no rhyme.
Along comes the poet,
His work clearly shows it, 
His intent is wholly sublime.
To words he brings focus,
Whim, beauty and locus, 
Gives meaning to each distinct line.
Then we do reflect, 
On what we often neglect,
As he touches our hearts and our minds.
Of the family he writes, 
Of faith, love, and true might,
The things that move our souls to chime.
They are words we can see,
Clear, honest, and free,
Bearing to all the truth of our time.
So to poets let's toast,
Keep them doing their most, 
To make sense of our virtue and clime.

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “Living With Passion”
The ancient Greeks
No obituaries fashioned. 
They asked only this, 
Did he live life with passion?
Did he honor his parents, 
And love his dear wife? 
Did he fight for Athens,
In times of great strife?
Did he give to his children,
The wisdom of ages?
Did he guide their small feet 
Through the rocks of life's stages?
To friends was he loyal,
To enemies strong?
In challenge, a leader
Who knew right from wrong?
Did he bring only honor,
To his native land?
To all in true need,
Did he lend a fair hand?
If the answers are yes
To these simple queries,
Then he's gone now to heaven,
With comrades, not furies.

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “On Being Lost”
Drifting on a lake,
I've always seen the shore.
Even when in irons,
There'll soon be breezes more.
When navigating life,
Till now I've had my goals,
Always busy taking action,
Knowing the compass of my soul.
It seems each life inherits,
Its providential arc.
Upon that arc I sail my ship,
By which I make my mark.
Once your marks' been made,
And friends all shout, "Well done",
It's time to sail the ship to port,
With what remains of evening sun.
But drifting on the ocean,
Now that's another thing.
Like a man without a cause,
I've lost sight of everything.
That seems to be my present fate,
Having passed my port of call.
I know not where I sail just now,
Trusting God - I risk it all.

Copyright (c) 2014

  • “No Exceptions”
You don't believe it,
You'll never get old,
So much life ahead,
You're strong and you're bold.
You are truly timeless,
Or perhaps just about, 
You're full of new plans,
All set to roll out.
You watch other's aging,
It's really too bad. 
You're the observer,
For them it is sad. 
Your life is so fresh, 
So much yet to do,
So much left to see,
Engaged through and through.
The best education, 
The perfect new job,
Stay fit for life, and 
The clock you will rob.
Travel the world,
Meeting powerful folks,
Find a fine spouse,
Regale friends with your jokes.
Early retirement, 
A house on the beach,
Summers in Italy, 
You might even teach.
As the phone rings less often,
It's quieter now,
You feel less important, 
More rows in your brow.
More friends stop their working,
Many move far away, 
Illness is lurking, 
For he, she, and they.
Your circles draw smaller,
You're less in the know,
You stop running marathons, 
You're energy's low.
You look around slowly, 
Good friends they are aging, 
Compared to their children, 
It's truly amazing.
If wisdom is with you,
And your faith holds on tight,
You may finally accept that 
Days are followed by night.
That's when you're tested,
That's when it is clear, 
If your character's ready, 
You've nothing to fear.
There's nothing to fear 
If your Savior was who
The Bible presented,
If His story is true.
As you come to accept
That the ages have won,
That history will claim you,
When your days are done.
Then smile on the life
That's been given to you,
And embrace your true friends
As you bid them adieu.

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “The Human Heart”
Doctors say a human heart
Tells how we lived and died.
But not how much we loved in life,
Or cared, or laughed, or cried. 
To measure hearts physically,
On wear and tear alone,
Misses all the good in life,
Our friends, our work, our home. 
So here's to what they cannot see,
Nor weigh, nor touch, nor test. 
Here's to why we rise each day,
To live and love with zest! 

Copyright (c) 2015

  • “Equality!”
It's all the rage,
It's in the news,
On every page.

My race, my sex,
Where was I born?
Over all our fates
We're now so torn.

We want our "rights",
Nothing's fair,
The deck is stacked,
We all must share.

Make all things "free"
Since life's so hard, 
Why wasn't I born
A queen or bard?

Private property
Where problems start,
Or was it race... 
Or, Bonaparte?

The more we have,
The more we grieve, 
To make life fair, 
We must retrieve.

He is taller,
She's much too fair, 
She is smarter, 
He lost his hair!

Our wealth varies, 
Outcomes diverse,
Someone must pay -
So open your purse.

Why oh why
Was I born here? 
With this fate, 
Sans gold or spear?

Some succeed,
Some not as much,
The challenge we face,
How we deal with such.

If man is good
Yet unequal be, 
Instead of freedom,
"Impose equality!"

That should cure it,
And make things right,
Soon utopia
Will be in sight.

At its base 
The question stands -
Life so unfair 
Justifies demands?

It's an age-old feeling, 
The temptress of life,
To covet her goods, 
To want his wife.

The secret seems,
Find balance that's fair,
When freedoms flourish 
Opportunities we'll share.

Only freedom allows
People to be 
Not what they were born 
But what they achieve.

Insure we must 
Legal equality, 
One which empowers
Our liberty.

No fates are the same,
Alike are no times, 
What makes us unique 
Are the bells that we chime.

"Fairness" we praise, 
"Diversity" we shout,
Each only secured
When freedom wins out.

And who's had it better 
Across history,
Than free Americans,
Lucky you, lucky me!

Copyright © 2015

  • “Of Getting & Giving”
What did I get?
Is this for me?
What's that under
The Christmas tree?

What's my salary?
What's my share?
Accumulation -
Is all I care?

We go through life
Adding things,
A brand new car
With all the blings!

Vacation home,
With a boat, 
Priceless art -
Let's build a moat!

A smarter phone,
A faster jet,
That gold watch
I have to get!

Montana ranch,
Complete with Jeep,
All these things
We want to keep!

My wine collection - 
How big is yours?
A home in France,
In the heart of Tours.

To be clear,
Man earns his goods,
If gotten fair
Sans Robin Hoods.  

There's nothing wrong
With having stuff,
If you are clear
It's not enough.

As life goes on
With all thy getting,
You come to know
What you’ve been knitting.

You begin to see,
To sense, to feel
Only faith and people
Are really real.

In later years
Your role must be,
To give it all
Away for free.

And as you do,
To your surprise,
The joy of giving -
The lasting prize.

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Teacher’s Touch”
From a young age, 
They stand before us tall.
Guiding our first steps, 
Through history's rise and fall. 

From a young age,
They make us think and read.
Classic poems and novels,
Of honor, love, and greed. 

From a young age,
They teach us how to master, 
The science of this universe,
To serve men ever after. 

From a young age,
They bring music to our soul.
How sweet notes and melodies,
Can inspire and console. 

From a young age,
They teach us how to read.
It is the road to everything, 
Sharing lessons, planting seeds.

And from a young age,
They teach us how to pray.
For all the learning we enjoy,
Prepare for our last day.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Humility”
Of Humility
We rarely speak,
We're so involved 
In what we seek. 

What do I want?
What does she get?
And my promotion - 
Now don't forget. 

We fix our gaze, 
We set our goals,
On all the world
Between the poles. 

Ironic as 
It seems to be,
Real life begins 
With humility. 

The priest in church, 
Teachers in schools,
The nurse, the cop,
The man with tools.  

The statesman who
Makes good his pledge,
The gardener who
Does trim your hedge. 

The waitress pours
Your second cup,
The doorman's smile
That cheers you up. 

The man who with
His son does play,
The fireman 
Who saves the day!

The mother nursing 
Her new child,
The response to anger -
Not harsh, but mild. 

The salesman who
Meets all you need,
Soup kitchen staff
The poor does feed. 

What's the difference?
What's the clue?
Make your acts 
Not start with you. 

We all begin 
With our own self, 
But ask just then -
Whom might I help?

It's so much better,
It works so well, 
When being second 
Tolls your bell. 

Copyright © 2016

  • “Vocations Aplenty”
The reality this era, 
Careers are aplenty.
The choices so vast -
Ten thousand and twenty!

From our mouths today,
"No's" easily fall, 
Skipping most jobs,
To find the fairest of all.

In this modern era,
The world does unfold, 
Offering vocations, 
With wonders untold.

In this modern life,
Unlike centuries past,
The aperture of choice, 
Is deep and is vast.

Selling insurance, 
Or selling big yachts? 
Teaching or coaching, 
Giving patients their shots?

Designing and building, 
Or reporting the news?
Crunching the numbers,
Or studying ewes?

Welding the tractors, 
Or harvesting wheat?
Selling tomatoes, 
Or fresh cuts of meat?

Home schooling kids, 
Making new picture frames?
Captaining ships,
Selling bonds to the dames?

Running for office,
Dry cleaning the shirts?
Open a bakery,
Or sell women's skirts?

Preach at a church,
Or fly a fast plane?
Fix all the plumbing,
Load cars on a train?

Sing in the opera,
Paint new office walls?
Drive Uber cars,
Safe guard all the malls?

Write racy novels, 
Clean up the storm's mess? 
Train people's dogs,
Make websites impress?

You get the picture,
The choice is now ours. 
In what we will do, 
In workaday hours.

Across human history,
'Twas rarely this way.
Most born to a station,
Had scant little sway.

If your father was King,
Then you'd be one, too.
If he was a baker,
Then that's what you'd do.
What made the difference,
What gave us such choice?
The fall of the kings came, 
Self-rule gave us voice.

Add limited government,
Make all markets free,
Private companies then formed, 
To serve you and me.

"Advantage compared",
Plus open world markets 
Made opportunities flare.

New wealth creation 
From the mind of man springs, 
"Capital" is Latin 
For what our "head" brings.

All these vocations, 
And freedoms arise, 
Endowed by Creator, 
Natural Rights grants the prize!

In listening to leaders
Say why they are great,
Ask them for freedom,
And to limit the state.

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Human Mouth”
We never discuss it,
Our own human mouth. 
It is far too intimate -
And yet, all about. 

It's how we drink liquids,
And how we do eat.
We shout loudly with it -
With tears kiss Christ's feet. 

We all have but one mouth,
We are glad this is so!  
It allows us to laugh -
And make bubbles blow.

It's our unique whistle,
And our trademark smile.
It allows us to kiss,
To praise, or revile. 

Our mouth is a miracle, 
Our tongue makes lips glow.
Our teeth do their work,
While allowing airflow.  

Our mouth is just one part
Of our Lord's magic spell.
Keeping us nourished, 
To keep us all well. 

With mine I may thank you,
And then blow a kiss!
It can frown at the bad news,
And vow wedded bliss. 

It gives voice to our speeches,
Sustains emotion and health.
It's a gift with no end -
It's a source of much wealth. 

As you read this brief poem, 
That will do all mouths proud,
Please do them the honor
Of reading it - out loud! 

Copyright © 2016

  • “The News of Death”
The News of Death
It comes so suddenly, 
By mail, by knock, or call.
From relative or friend,
Or one not known at all. 

In the morning dawn, 
In afternoon, or night.
Few words tell all there is to tell, 
It's all so black and white.

We lost him yesterday.
She passed so very quick.
Long illness was involved. 
We'll all miss Uncle Nick. 

They ask you - have you heard the news?
They call to let you know. 
It's always hard for them to say - 
They really have to go...

We quickly stop our doing, 
Or dismiss with little thought. 
It all depends so very much,
What in our life they brought. 

The funeral has been planned.
Shall we miss, or go?
You heart will clearly tell,
If tears will gently flow. 

Were now the tables turned,
If it was I now gone, 
Would they now cry for me,
And sing my funeral song?

With lives lived very well, 
With lives lived deep and true,
We honor those who helped   
To see our mission through. 

Was this now one of those,
Who made it all worthwhile?
And helped when we were down,
And always made us smile?

Did they guide our hands?
Help avoid for us a fall?
Remind us what is true?
When lost, our hearts enthrall?  

From death, two thoughts arise. 
We question how we live.
For righteous cause we toil? 
Do we take - or do we give?

The second question stands,
The question above it all - 
Are we heaven ready
When for us they make this call? 

Copyright © 2016


  • “Find Your Purpose”
You see it in their eyes,
The very way they walk.
How they focus in,
The clarity of their talk.

It's always on their mind,
And ever in their heart.
The blessed ones -for sure -
Know in this life their part.

What a special gift it is,
Second to none at all.
Knowing why they're here,
Just how they'll rise or fall.

I pray this for my friends,
I most sincerely do.
For once you see the light,
You'll have your purpose new.

Now go without a doubt,
That you can do this, too.
That you can find your heart,
Your mission finally true.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Face The Future With Grace”
My car has a windshield,
It's big, wide, and true.
Plus a slim little mirror-
Allowing me a rear view. 

Two glasses to serve me,
One focused ahead. 
The other looking behind me
The past in my head.

We know which to favor,
The future'salways the rage.
The past is so yesterday-
Come turn now the page! 

So this issue's settled,
All look at what's new!
Forget all your past life,
It will make you feel blue.
We are naturally hopeful
For most of our years. 
So much life ahead
Full of more joy than tears. 

But slowly it happens,
And it will happen to you. 
You start looking now backwards 
Through the mirror rear view. 

You wonder what happened 
To "I can't wait to see!"
You can't recall planning 
How your future would be.

As age comes upon us-
All men get in line. 
We face some hard choices -
How to think about time. 

What once came as simple-
What came then with ease, 
Now challenges boldly,
Harsh wind and cold breeze.

The challenge I speak of,
Is the challenge of view.
Do we start looking backwards
And miss what is new? 

The question's not easy 
If our life has been full. 
So must to endear to us
To the past and its pull.

The best I can offer,
The best road to take 
Help others with their plans 
Their lives ready to make.
God knows of this problem,
As all others we face. 
Let the lessons of your life 
Help another with grace.  

Copyright © 2016

  • “His New Call”
He has His way of saying, 
The things I need to hear.
I am His true creation, 
He truly holds me dear.

I ask Him what my role is,
When busy starts to stop.
When missions seem to fail me,
When I'm no longer top. 

He points to lives of others,
And asks just what I'll do?
When 'getting' is all done -
What goal shall I pursue?

I'm asking for His guidance,
For I've fallen in the wake.
My purpose does elude me,
Lord light the path to take.

As I await His guidance,
As I await in prayer -
May Grace descend upon me,
And take away my care.

He has his way of showing
The things I need to see.
I am His true creation -
Oh Spirit strengthen me.

The lessons that I'm learning,
Just when I knew it all,
Are on the path before me -
I must answer His new call.  

Copyright © 2016

  • “Our Fate”
They say you don't
Choose your parents,
Perhaps they didn't
Choose you!

Nor do we decide
On our hometown -
The place where we
Learned how to do.

Our sisters were not
Without challenge,
But they helped us to
Fine-tune our ways.

Our brothers were not
Always gentle,
What they taught us
Improved all of our days.

The year we were born
Is a puzzle,
Just why did the lord
Chose this time?

Our talents seem
randomly gifted,
Just why was I meant
To write rhyme?

Our sex was assigned
On our birth day,
It clearly impacts
All life's things.

Our face was our first
Sight of wonder,
For our friends it makes
Their hearts now ring.

Though the Arc of our fate
Is a mystery,
We must grow where we're
Planted with grace.

Our time on this earth
Has real limits,
We must do what
Leaves positive trace.

The fates of the gods
Press on all men -
The hand of the Lord
Touches me.

Their reasons will one day
Be made known -
Until then live
Your destiny.

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Measure of A Good Life”
You can lead a horse to water,
But you cannot make it drink.
You can give a man a good book,
But you cannot make him think.

You can share all your life's lessons,
But your child may turn away.
You may speak so well of others,
Yet harsh words may come your way.

You may exercise and eat well,
Yet good health may not be thine.
You can manage all your days well,
But one day run out of time.

To your friends you may be loyal,
Yet some friendships, they will fail.
In your work you may lead others,
But for some, to no avail.

You may read the Holy Bible,
Yet your faith is torn by fear.
You may have the best intentions,
But lose all that you hold dear.

You try hard to do the right thing,
Yet unsure just what that is.
You can study more than others,
But the best grades may be his.

To her home you send her flowers,
But she chooses not to care.
You write love poems for her heart,
But her heart is just not there.

Your front door you keep wide open,
But your neighbors walk right past.
You plan a new vocation,
But it never comes to pass.

The lesson of this life is,
Be kind, and hope, and dare.
For the measure of a good life,
Is how much you really care.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Then & Now”
They say an ex-Ambassador
Is as 'ex' as you can get.
And a former CEO
Is a once-was President.

A fifty-year-old pitcher
Is a man who's lost his curve.
An elderly heart surgeon
Can't cut – he's lost his nerve.

A heavy weight prizefighter
Who has lost his killer punch.
A flashy Wall Street trader
Missing now his magic hunch.

Proud mother of four children
Raised them up and now they're gone.
A one-time, one-hit wonder
His life's work is just one song?

The designer of prop aircraft
The jet has done him in.
The seller of the fountain pen
Museums now they're in.

The maker of the Blackberry
Once lord of hand-held things.
The owner of antique shops
Millennials want new blings.

The painter of the portrait
The camera snaps so fast.
A seamstress sewing dresses
Clothes today aren't made to last.

A marriage made in heaven
On earth has now gone stale.
A movie that was all the rage
Is now a long-lost tale.

Here's a 3-star General
Who's without his lost command.
The Beatles were the Kings of Pop
Now a memory is that band.

Ambitious, bright, and happy
Now she wonders why she failed.
Clever, strong and fast
Brought a lifetime being jailed.

The twist of fame and fortune
Humble most of us - at last.
What we were is one thing,
But we can't live in the past.

The twists of fate and fortune
One is happy, one is sad.
Life's not a dress rehearsal,
Let the present make you glad.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Small Talk”
I'm not much for small talk,
How 'bout those Yankees and those Braves?
Have you seen that new restaurant,
The one that's getting all the raves?

They say she's dating Bono,
That may ruin her acting life.
The White House held a gala
Clooney brought his brand new wife!

What's the best martini?
Are French wines worth their high price?
The wedding cake was soggy,
But I loved the speckled rice.

The country club's new logo
Should be on a can of soup.
The change in morning tee times
Has thrown me for a loop.

What's your favorite pizza?
Deep dish is not my style.
My iPhone's in my other coat
May I use yours for a while?

My favorite beer is Black & Tan,
It doesn't fill me up.
Our wedding china's such a mess,
Last night I broke a cup.

Bonnie never calls me,
If she's mad, I don't know why.
My son stopped eating breakfast
Should I laugh, or should I cry?

My daughter has a boyfriend,
It will surely never last.
She wants to buy a new car,
Pray she doesn't drive too fast.

Our winter home was flooded,
The insurance man's a prince.
My wife's stylist's back from Rome,
Today she'll have a rinse.

My PC screen is spinning,
DSL has let me down.
I miss our nights with Arnie,
He is such a silly clown.

Their marriage seems in trouble,
She's out late most every night.
Is this the week we change our clocks,
I never get that right.

I'm not much for small talk,
So I'll write this poem instead.
And when I finish writing
Let's discuss your date with Fred.

Copyright © 2016

  • “A Mighty Oak”
He was a 3-star general,
Tall, and proud, and true.
And for all his years in life
He knew just what to do.

He led his men in battle,
He gave them good advice,
They looked to him for courage -
In him they found no vice.

From post-to-post he took the lead,
He welcomed all they asked.
No duty made him flinch, for sure -
He brought valor to each task.

He rose in rank and purpose,
Brought credit to his name.
His Nation was advantaged
By his service and his fame.

His wife was his true partner,
In every move and test.
If asked he'd surely tell you,
With her he did his best.

Then at last this ended,
His engagement was complete.
They thanked him for his service
This man without defeat.

The challenge now before him,
Is how to set his sights.
Reminisce on days gone by -
Or refocus on new heights?

Copyright © 2016

  • “On One Leg”
He lived his life on one leg,
The leg we call "career".
He thought it served him very well -
He had nothing more to fear.

One leg was light and nimble,
And required but one shoe.
With one leg his solo focus,
Life was all that he could "do".

Most others - they had two legs,
They balanced their demands.
They would pick one up to make a move -
If clear of two's commands.

For many years his one leg
Kept his life all neat and clear.
The concentration of his walk
Brought success and even cheers.

Then one day he lost that leg,
The only one he had.
The one that brought him all of life,
Had now gone weak – how sad.

The problem here presented,
You knew it from the start,
Here was a man who walked alone,
And never shared his heart.

The moral of the story -
God gives us legs in pairs.
With one of them you do your work,
With the other you must care.

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Past”
With all I have,
At such great cost,
Why do I miss
The past I've lost?

My good parents
For all they did.
And my two sisters -
From me they hid!

My first best friend,
So long ago -
Where is he now?
Why don't I know?

My first bike ride -
Friends guided me.
Then let me go -
I hit a tree!

As altar boy
The chants I learned.
While lighting candles -
I once was burned!

At night I'd scan
The family globe,
And dream of lands
I'd one day probe.

My parents' friends
Would come and play,
Their games of cards,
And laugh away!

My sisters' friends
Would visit us,
On them I had
A young boys' crush.

The nuns in school
Did all one can,
But I truly sought
An attentive man.

High school was fun
With friends so rife,
The Christian brothers
Did save my life.

My first true love,
Now gone away -
I loved her smile,
The words she'd say.

The way it felt
When we first kissed,
So awkward then -
And now so missed.

Off to college
And on my own -
Most all I learned,
I learned alone.

When college ended
Careers arrived,
Full of challenge
And I survived!

Full of people,
Teams and goals,
We did our best
To fill our roles.

As careers ended
Doors opened new,
So must to see -
Much more to do.

My good friends
Have done me proud,
Professional colleagues -
One talented crowd.

For all I'm thankful,
For all this past -
I truly saw
My dreams surpassed.

And when I survey
This rich, rich gift -
When poor of spirit
It gives me lift.

And when I miss
What came to pass –
I pray God gives
Me back my past.

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Past – Biographical”
With all I have,
At such great cost,
Why do I miss
The past I've lost?

My good parents
For all they did.
And my two sisters - 
From me they hid!

My first best friend,
So long ago -
Where is he now?
Why don't I know?

My first bike ride -
Friends guided me.
Then let me go -
I hit a tree!

As altar boy 
The chants I learned. 
While lighting candles -
I once was burned! 

At night I'd scan
The family globe,
And dream of lands
I'd one day probe. 

My parents' friends 
Would come and play,
Their games of cards,
And laugh away! 

My sisters' friends 
Would visit us,
On them I had 
A young boys' crush. 

The nuns in school 
Did all one can,
But I truly sought 
An attentive man.  

High school was fun
With friends so rife,
The Christian brothers 
Did save my life. 

My first true love,
Now gone away.
I loved her smile,
The words she'd say. 

The way it felt
When we first kissed,
So awkward then -
And now so missed.

Off to college 
And on my own -
Most all I learned, 
I leaned alone. 

I ran for office
The longest shot,
And yet elected -
I kid you not. 

When school was done
To work I turned, 
From my CAT team 
So much I learned. 

They shipped me off
To points out West,
Where solo flight
Brought out my best. 

To my surprise 
Intel hired me, 
With Noyce and Grove 
Fashioned victory. 

As that life ended,
I didn't panic - 
I turned my sights 
On Trans-Atlantic. 

My good friends 
Have done me proud, 
My business colleagues -
A talented crowd.

For all I'm thankful.
For all this past -  
I truly saw
My dreams surpassed. 

And when I survey  
This rich, rich gift - 
When poor of spirit
It gives me lift.  

And when I miss 
What came to pass –
I pray God gives 
Me back my past.

Copyright © 2016


  • “A Life of Duty” 2016
With all I have,
At such great cost,
Why do I miss
The past I've lost?

My good parents
For all they did.
And my two sisters - 
From me they hid!

My first best friend,
So long ago -
Where is he now?
Why don't I know?

My first bike ride -
Friends guided me.
Then let me go -
I hit a tree!

As altar boy 
The chants I learned. 
While lighting candles -
I once was burned! 

At night I'd scan
The family globe,
And dream of lands
I'd one day probe. 

My parents' friends 
Would come and play,
Their games of cards,
And laugh away! 

My sisters' friends 
Would visit us,
On them I had 
A young boys' crush. 

The nuns in school 
Did all one can,
But I truly sought 
An attentive man.  

High school was fun
With friends so rife,
The Christian brothers 
Did save my life. 

My first true love,
Now gone away.
I loved her smile,
The words she'd say. 

The way it felt
When we first kissed,
So awkward then -
And now so missed.

Off to college 
And on my own -
Most all I learned, 
I leaned alone. 

I ran for office
The longest shot,
And yet elected -
I kid you not. 

When school was done
To work I turned, 
From my CAT team 
So much I learned. 

They shipped me off
To points out West,
Where solo flight
Brought out my best. 

To my surprise 
Intel hired me, 
With Noyce and Grove 
Fashioned victory. 

As that life ended,
I didn't panic - 
I turned my sights 
On Trans-Atlantic. 

My good friends 
Have done me proud, 
My business colleagues -
A talented crowd.

For all I'm thankful.
For all this past -  
I truly saw
My dreams surpassed. 

And when I survey  
This rich, rich gift - 
When poor of spirit
It gives me lift.  

And when I miss 
What came to pass –
I pray God gives 
Me back my past.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Can’t Wait!” 2016

Can't wait to go to school -
And escape this daily play.
Teachers come and teach me,
I will hear all that you say.

When will school be over?
Let the summer rescue me!
When may I leave my home -
Oh parents set me free!

When will I find work -
And chart my course in life?
When will I find my true love -
And make her my dear wife?

And when shall we have children?
Bring them swiftly to our home!
Prepare them for their freedom,
Can't wait to let them roam!

When shall work be over?
Grant retirement to me.
Time for me and mine
To finally be set free.

When shall God then take me -
Singing His redemptive rhyme?
For that I'm in no hurry -
Oh Lord take Your sweet time!

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Recital” 2016

We gather together -
In walks a young man,
To play his piano -
To show us he can.

His tux sets the mood -
No sheet music or band.
He bows and he sits,
And readies command.

His first song's a fugue
Bach "Number 10",
He takes to the keys
The drama begins.

It's soft and it's sweet,
From such a young man?
It's serious music -
By J. Sebastian.

His next is the "Tempest"
A Beethoven tune,
It reminds us of winter
Even though it is June.

He then plays a Liszt,
And a Bartok, as well -
Showing their range
And the stories they tell.

He ends with a Brahms
"Fantasien 116" –
This from a boy
Who is still in his teens.

The virtues in music
Are timeless and rare,
It demands one's attention,
Precision and care.

We know not the future
Of the boy at the keys,
But his promise shows clearly
As he plays songs with ease.

So keep your ears open
And ready surprise –
As he enters his manhood
And makes his own rise.

The music's his friend,
And its disciplines, too,
It prepares him for life
For the things he must do.

He places these songs
In his head and his heart,
They are with him forever,
As he plays his life's part.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Life’s Measure” 2016

In youth our eyes looked forward,
We wished upon a star.
We dreamt of where we'd go,
We planned to go so far!

As each day was then added,
As experience piled up,
We assumed life's additions -
That life would fill our cup.

We celebrated birthdays,
Adding candles every year.
We grew in respectful stature,
No thought of loss appeared.

As career peaked or faltered,
As love slipped through our hands,
As our walk grew unsteady,
We questioned life's commands.

Shaken by lost parents,
And aunts and uncles, too,
Classmates even passed -
What now are were we to do? 

Once we assumed life's promise,
And made busy with our plans,
Now questions takes the center stage,
As we steady our own hands.

We ask what is life's purpose?
Is "getting" the central thing?
Now that much has been completed,
For whom do those bells ring? 

They ring for all life's travelers,
All visitors to earth.
We learn the sure and hard way
What life is really worth.

More than what's accomplished,
Surely not of power or purse,
Life's only lasting measure -
Did we bless - or the reverse? 

Copyright © 2016

  • “With Them Plan” 2016

They say depression
In a human being,
Is caused by loss
Of a future seen.

When we have no vision
Of a path ahead,
When we see no future
With hope now dead.

The past alone
Is not enough,
To warm our hearts
To fill our cup.

Today's sufficient
If connected to
Plans to come -
For me and you.

To look ahead
Is to live with cheer,
A brighter future -
A better year. 

If your good friend
Is touched with sorrow,
Make with them plans
You'll do tomorrow. 

Copyright © 2016

  • “They Keep Us Safe” 2016

The war on crime,
The war on drugs,
The war on terror,
On gangs and thugs.

There's a war out there,
Past our safe perch.
It never ends
It's relentless search.

While we in office,
While we at home,
While we at beach,
As we tour Rome.

While we at school,
In car or train,
In little shops,
Or aeroplanes.

Stand our warriors,
Oft far away.
Stand police,
Both night and day. 

Customs agents,
And secret spies,
Insure our safety
Throughout our lives.

They risk their own,
Wear badges steel,
They seek to make
Us safely feel. 

That war out there
Claims life for some,
Yet we know not
Their requiem.

To us they give
A peace of mind,
We assume a peace
They'll never find.

So take the time
To say a prayer,
For those brave souls
Who guard and care. 

Copyright © 2016

  • “Flying Home” 2016

I whisk across the sea,
In a silver bird of flight.
Heading now for home,
By dawn all will be right.

As much as I love travel,
Seeing places near and far,
There's nothing that compares
With my sky and my own star.

What is the special magic
About the place where I was born?
It's a universal feeling,
From one's heart it can't be torn.

As God devised our nature,
As His hands shape each new heart,
He includes in each of us
A love in this world for our part.

Travel teaches tolerance,
It expands my wisdom clear,
I soak in worldly richness,
But my home I hold most dear. 

Copyright © 2016

  • “Themes of Our Lives” 2016

As we come to know our friends,
Through engagement and amends,
Their essence does appear,
Those things they love and fear.

Some wish to lead the way,
Some care for others' needs,
Some focus on what works,
Some plant the future's seeds.

Some search for a new cure,
Some question what is true,
While others stand and wait,
And long for one "I do".

There's mystery in each role,
Just how each friend does serve,
What spirit lives inside,
That gives them will and nerve.

As we come to know ourselves,
What's important to our soul,
Examine its true worth,
For which bell it does toll. 

As we come to know our friends,
Just how each did arrive,
They're no accident of fate,
They help our theme to thrive.

Placed here by our one God,
Companions in this life,
They help our own make sense,
Through times of love and strife. 

So choose your good friends well,
And be careful with their hearts,
They're central to our lives,
With them we play our parts.

No accidental births,
We share this time as planned,
Our charge is to be true,
For our missions we do stand. 

Copyright © 2016

  • “Hold Your Breath” 2016

When we were boys
Out on the lake,
As we would swim -
A bet we'd make.

We'd hold our breath
As long as can,
To show we could
Soon be a man.

We knew no fear,
All boys know this -
Sought more in life
Than just its bliss.

This was a test,
A part of life,
No minor thing,
A taste of strife.

From this small lake
We'd soon depart,
For oceans real,
To do our part. 

On oceans deep,
In darkest night,
We'd hold our breath
And fight for right.

Our boyhood game
Was more than that,
T'was first words of
Our epithet. 

Copyright © 2016

  • “Humble Leadership” 2016
'Tis now the season
We are engaged,
To choose a leader,
To take the stage.

We choose a person
To take the reins,
So much at stake -
So much to gain.

What we see lacking
Among these two,
Is what our Lincoln
Showed how to do.

He asked of us
Our best at heart,
"Unite the nation,
And do your part"

Of all his virtue
And ability,
Foremost for sure
His Humility.

Read his words
His famous speeches,
His correspondence -
To hearts he reaches.

Let's ask of those
Who would be President,
To temper words
With humble sentiment.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Our Lost Life” 2016
'Tis We speak this word so rarely,
So full of demands are we.
Our comfort and our "rights",
Are all we seem to see.

We demand our leaders heal us,
And change man's nature – now!
You, of course, are perfect -
The state shows others how.

Gone what once was sacrifice,
That noble way of life.
That selfless voice heard calling,
When homeland was in strife.

Gone what once was duty,
Those things we answered for.
The things beyond the reach,
Of the ship of state's wide oar.

Today all things are "public",
The rich shall pay our rent.
The courts will rise in power,
Towards "justice" they are bent.

Gone what once was honor,
Those things we did alone.
Quiet acts beyond the statutes,
In neighborhood and home.

We kept our word as treasure,
You placed your life in mine.
No matter the temptations,
T'was honor you did find.  

Gone what once was country,
The source of all we knew,
The homeland of our fathers,
It set our compass true.

The global village riseth,
We all are brothers now,
Our history - a vexation,
To it we break our vow.

We speak its name quite rarely,
So busy with us are we.
Our selfies and our tweets -
Now fill us all with glee.

Gone what once was private,
The secrets found within.
Now all things are shared freely,
We've let the future in...

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Wait List” 
Arriving at the airport,
Seeking my way home -
All the seats are taken,
But for one to Rome.

They place me on the wait list,
I watch the hours' sands,
And pray that just one someone
Will make a change in plans.

In this private moment,
As in all our days,
Unknown lives connected -
Who can count the ways?

Now for that one stranger
I do hope and wait,
And say a silent prayer -
That they're running a bit late!

For home is where I'm heading,
It's where I long to be,
My fate is in another's hands,
May they deliver me.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Times of Our Lives”
There are times in our lives
Which we loved as just so.
Times we did cherish
And wanted never to go.

Our childhood it was
Filled with wonder and bliss,
Then off to our school
And our very first kiss!

Our first summer job
Earning money to spend,
Days were so warm
Wanted never to end.

Then off to our college
Independence from home,
Our first solo flight
From the nest did we roam.

Along came careers,
Summers no longer free,
Duty and discipline, and
Performance were we.

That girl then arrived
Seeking marriage and child,
Can't live without her
No more days would be wild.

Our kids came along
As cute as can be,
They tried our good patience
As they yearned to be free.

Then off did they go
To work and to school…
The cycle of life
Asserting its rule.

Their mother and I
Now alone and at peace,
We long for past moments
We can no longer reach.

But let it be said,
We are thankful for all,
The gifts of a rich life -
Spring, summer, and fall.

Copyright © 2016

  • “Why We Love Golf” 
We love golf
No need to reason,
A verdant walk
In fairest season.

They play in pairs
Across the field,
They test themselves -
What clubs will yield.

They share the day
Fly ball to hole,
Each one numbered,
Flags on each pole.

They compete for sure,
Rules clear and true,
But none affect
How others do.

They compete as sport
For lowest score,
Each on their own
And nothing more.

The players play
In friendly pairs,
They swing their clubs -
Suspend their cares.

An exacting sport
Best score the test,
Each on their own
To do their best.

And we the fans
Do watch and wonder,
Who will win
Applause of thunder!

Copyright © 2016

  • “Worth Defending” 
We share these colors with the French,
Our histories hold us near.
With challenge now before us,
Will our leaders guide us clear?

Their trumpet sounds are yet to prove
The measure we expect.
How many more will have to die
Before they stand erect?

When nations fall, and some they do,
One reason is their end.
Their leaders see no virtue
In what our fathers did defend.

Americans are asking
Who will keep our torch alight?
For Americans know deep inside
Our cause is worth the fight!

Copyright © 2016

  • “Our Lost Life” 

We speak this word so rarely,
So full of demands are we.
Our comfort and our "rights",
Are all we seem to see.

We demand our leaders heal us,
And change man's nature – now!
You, of course, are perfect -
The state shows others how.

Gone what once was sacrifice,
That noble way of life.
That selfless voice heard calling,
When homeland was in strife.


Gone what once was duty,
Those things we answered for.
The things beyond the reach,
Of the ship of state's wide oar.

Today all things are "public",
The rich shall pay our rent.
The courts will rise in power,
Towards "justice" they are bent.


Gone what once was honor,
Those things we did alone.
Quiet acts beyond the statutes,
In neighborhood and home.

We kept our word as treasure,
You placed your life in mine.
No matter the temptations,
T'was honor you did find.  


Gone what once was country,
The source of all we knew,
The homeland of our fathers,
It set our compass true.

The global village riseth,
We all are brothers now,
Our history - a vexation,
To it we break our vow.


We speak its name quite rarely,
So busy with us are we.
Our selfies and our tweets -
Now fill us all with glee.

Gone what once was private,
The secrets found within.
Now all things are shared freely,
We've let the future in...

Copyright © 2016

  • “A Poem’s Purpose” 
A poet writes
His heart that day,
It is for him
A way to pray.

The reader finds
Those words as new -
Their life unique,
Their story true. 

What the poet felt
It matters not,
The reader's task 
Is to loose the knot.

To loose the knot
That's closed their heart,
The poem may serve
As their fresh start.

As you read a poem
Ask one thing -
Who might you love?
What bell to ring?

Copyright © 2016

  • “True Great Men”
We do believe 
That true great men,
Do their best
In times born in.

They hone their talents,
Apply them right -
Lead the people 
In noble fight.

And they do the same
For those they love -
They guard them safe,
As from Above. 

There are among us
These true saints, 
God sends them here -
Their hearts He paints. 

And Lincoln sure -
Churchill, too,
Heroes who endure. 

We pray today,
We search and wonder,
Who will lead? 
Beyond this thunder? 

As we seek today
Our heroes new,
Ask of yourself
Is this now for you?

The cup is passed 
From age-to-age -
It's before us now
On history's page. 

Men always ask
Who's bell does toll,
Look no further 
Than your own soul.

Copyright © 2016

  • “The Only Thing That Lasts”
The past is never dead,
It's not even past. 
It's right here between us
We sail with it as mast.

The impact of our parents, 
The tease of grade school friends.
Our first kiss - a memory,
Summer days that had no end.

That visit to the dentist,
A ride in the front seat!
A weekend with our uncle,  
All the ice cream we could eat!

The day our dog arrived,
Nothing better could be bought.
The dark day when she died -
Against the tears we fought.

High school - a new life,
Training to grow up.
Liking girls for no known reason,
Our eyes now opened up!

College was the big leagues,
Stay up all night at will.
Forced to read vapidity,
Persistence climbed that hill.

Graduation said we're ready,
To shoulder what was real.
We placed the ladders of our lives
On walls that matched our zeal.

We climbed those ladders daily,
We set our sights on goals.
Purpose was our search,
We sailed in fear of shoals.

As years spun out to decades,
We marveled how time flies.
We came to look less ahead -
And more at our past lives.

This surely happens to each man
Who gains the gift of time.
The question - "Is it over?"
Begins to tempt the mind.

If you're reading this,
As one possessed of youth,
Savor life's dear moments,
In them you'll find your truth.

The past is never dead,
It's not even past.
One day you'll see this clearly -
It's the only thing that lasts.

Copyright © 2016